COVID-19 / Coronavirus: Access to children with additional health risks

Gilbertson Davis LLPCOVID-19, Custody and Access, Mobility Issues, Separation0 Comments

Sharing custody of a child or children can be difficult at the best of times. With the additional stress of the COVID-19 crisis, shared custody and access adds further strain to this relationship. Parents are forced to make difficult decisions about their child’s wellbeing  while balancing parenting arrangements often ordered by the courts, and additional challenges posed by mandatory public health protocols. Parents with children who have additional needs or are at increased risk of exposure to COVID-19 are likely to face additional difficulty during this crisis with the court becoming involved where parties cannot resolve their conflicting views. Many parents have sought to suspend access or seek sole custody of their child during the crisis, citing fears for their child’s health. The onus is on the party seeking to restrict access to provide specific evidence or examples of behaviour or plans by the other party that are inconsistent with … Read More