Joan C. Takahashi, C.I.P., LL.B.
Acts as counsel on arbitrations, trials, appeals and mediations before the Financial Services Commission of Ontario and in the Ontario courts. Ten years experience in Multi-Line Insurance Claims adjusting and supervision of Casualty and Property coverages in both Personal and Commercial Lines.
Earned C.I.P. (formerly A.I.I.C.) designation in 1984 – 1985
LL.B, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, 1989
Ontario, 1991
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Areas of Concentration
Insurance litigation with emphasis on Motor Vehicle Accident Benefit Claims, Motor Vehicle Liability, Personal Injury, Workplace Harassment, Harassment, Catastrophic Injury Claims, Coverage Opinions, Occupiers Liability, Social Host, CGL losses, Product Liability, Defence of Insurers and Insureds; and Liability and Casualty insurance. Employment Law.
Canadian Bar Association; Advocates’ Society; York County Law Association; Canadian Defence Lawyer’s Association; Defence Research Institute; Chartered Insurance Professionals’ Society, Insurance Institute of Ontario; and Member of Bar Dispute Resolution Group Forum associated with the Financial Services Commission of Ontario.