What can I do if I suspect my spouse is hiding assets?

Gilbertson Davis LLPChild Support, Divorce, Offshore, Separation Agreements, Spousal Support0 Comments

The Ontario Family Law Act governs the division of property following a breakdown of relationship.  This includes real estate, bank accounts, pensions, benefits and social assistance alongside any additional assets the couple owns. Why do spouses attempt to hide or misrepresent assets? Often parties attempt to take matters into their own hands, hiding or misrepresenting assets before they inform their spouse of their intention to separate.  They may feel this is justified as they believe that the courts will order them to split or pay more than they would, or they may believe that the laws of property division or support will result in their assets being divided in a way they do not agree with.  In certain cases, they may wish to hide specific behaviour or purchases from their spouse or they may wish to reduce or attempt to avoid paying child support or spousal support. What are common ways that … Read More